2023 Rebelle Rally will be Powered with Zero-Carbon Green Renewable Energy provided by Renewable Innovations, Inc.
A Global First for Independent Green Large-Scale Power- Anywhere – Anytime
Renewable Innovations Inc. is once again leading out and showing the world how renewable energy via green hydrogen can work off-grid and off-road. RI will power EVs and PHEVs with a grid-independent solution that uses green hydrogen - in the desert!
How is it done?
With the MEC-H, a powerful mobile charging system and green hydrogen brought to the desert with a virtual pipeline vehicle. Not only will the EVs be powered by green, but the moving basecamp will be powered by renewables. The RI Team will even provide off-roadside assistance to the EVs if necessary.
MEC-H (Mobile Energy Command - Hydrogen)
MEC-H (Mobile Energy Command – Hydrogen)
Battery electric vehicles take a lot of energy. Most people do not understand that the average BEV holds enough energy to power an average home for a day. Now filling these cars up takes time and a lot of power. The faster the charge, the more immediate available power is needed. At Renewable Innovations (RI) we have coined the phrase “Grid Gap”. Most homes, stores, and businesses do not have enough available power to charge these vehicles quickly. The Grid does not have enough power collectively to charge these vehicles. This problem limits where and how fast you can charge a BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle).
Going to the next level
Now, let’s make things more challenging. Let’s charge many vehicles, multiple times a day, in the middle of nowhere, and do it absolutely independent of the grid with Green Renewable Power, and move the power source multiple times daily.
RI is doing this. The MEC-H has the ability to power 50 to 75 homes and store a lot of energy (450 kWh), plus it runs on green hydrogen.
The MEC-H has dual rapid chargers that can charge up to 4 vehicles simultaneously. This is a modern-day miracle that will keep the cars going through the Rally.
Virtual Pipelines (VPs)
Virtual Pipelines (VPs)
Every great system needs fuel or power to run. The great renewable systems developed by Renewable Innovations (RI) are no exception.
For RI it’s Hydrogen. As the US tries to build hubs to produce the molecule, export, move, and dispense the molecule, it is a major challenge at best.
This year RI will be the hydrogen provider and bring green hydrogen to the desert.
How? The RI Virtual Pipeline (VP), in partnership with Quantum Fuel Systems, and Plug Power. The green hydrogen provides the fuel required to run the entire event. This VP will store 800 kg of hydrogen which is enough to deliver over 12,000 kWh of clean green power.
MEC-S (Mobile Energy Command - Solar)
MEC-S (Mobile Energy Command – Solar)
How much power can you pull from the sun? Imagine enough to power a large basecamp that moves many times over the course of the event. This is not a small basecamp, but rather a large operation that supports 100’s of people, including lighting, food, communications, cooling, etc.
The MEC-S generates 50 kW of peak power, equivalent to powering up to 10 homes per day. When the sun goes down this power plant has stored enough power to run critical needs through the night. Part of this solar system tracks the sun with large solar wheels that maximize the power of the sun no matter the location.
The MEC-S also provides over 80,000 lumens of lighting and backup systems just in case the sun decides to hide for a few days.
This is truly an amazing system to see and experience.
Support Trailer
For extended events such as the Rebelle Rally, which are in the middle of nowhere, and require independence of all conveniences of tools, power, light, rescue equipment, etc. there needs to be a solution that can accommodate the needs as they arise. For Renewable Innovations (RI) this is provided by the support trailer.
This 26-foot trailer delivers supplies and additional power for all the needs that happen on the fly.
As we do these advanced operations, we become aware of items that need to be added based on past missions. This year we have added more power, more energy storage, more lighting, and the ability to transport our rescue vehicle.
Support Trailer
Support Trailer at Rebelle Rally
Rescue Vehicle
Rescue Vehicle
For most drivers of battery electric vehicles (BEV) there is a thing called “Range Anxiety”. When that battery level gets low, the uncertainty of where the next charge will be becomes a bit of a panic.
Now imagine you’re driving in the desert. No paved roads, no civilization, only a rendezvous if you successfully find it. What if you don’t? This is what Rebelle Rally participants and car manufacturers worry about often. Although we have not had any issues in the past, it can happen. Enter the Rescue Vehicle from RI.
As a new addition to our family this year, Renewable Innovations’ Rescue Vehicle is a welcome resource in the desert.
This exciting military special forces vehicle is custom built with night vision for a total covert rescue, as well as lighting that can be seen from the moon.
Special features for this application is the ability to charge vehicles with up to 15kWh of power, or tow them back to base camp.
Bringing Clean, Green, Critical Power where there is No Power
Renewable Innovations Inc. is leading the charge towards a sustainable tomorrow by bringing Renewable Power where there is no or limited power.
We are committed to advancing the global shift away from carbon-based fuels.
We provide turnkey Renewable Power products and services (Renewable Services), enabling governments, industries, communities, and individuals to transition to a carbon-free, green energy infrastructure. As global renewable technology innovators, our mission is to create scalable, easy-to-use green energy systems to power communities, rapid chargers, operations, communications, and anything you can imagine.