3 Key Takeaways from ACT Expo
Fleet Charging Solutions with Renewable Innovations
1. Fleet Electrification of the US is exciting and charging forward. The 2023 ACT Expo showed us that the industry is adapting and committed to electrifying fleets and needs RI’s solutions now more than ever. Everything from light-duty to industrial and construction vehicles is being built and will need our charging solution.
But what about the charging infrastructure to support these vehicles?
2. At the Expo, we recognized that existing infrastructure will not be able to deliver the required power to keep EVs running. Several gaps created by grid power deficiencies and charger availability are being filled with hydrogen and solar technology. Looking at all the solutions at the show, RI was the only one at the show with hydrogen as a solution to charge these vehicles.
Sustainable and Expandable EV Fleet Charging Anywhere/Anytime
3. The ACT Expo was packed with companies and professionals building electrical equipment. Renewable Innovations has years of experience in renewable energy to address the power needs of companies both large and small. We stand ready to deliver the necessary supporting systems to keep your vehicles charged and ready to work.
If we didn’t connect at ACT Expo, come see us at our East Coast MEC-H Road trip.
MEC-H2 at Queens, NYC in Flushing Meadows