Green Community Gardens, Power, and More
Bringing everything together for a cleaner, better life. Turning grid generation into parks and gardens
Green · Clean · Community
Zero carbon energy making life work better
A Cleaner Better Community
Renewable Innovations is working with community developers to use our hydrogen fuel cell systems to power all-in-one Greenhouse Grids™.
These beautiful large greenhouses grow useful plants and use the exhaust pure water from our fuel cell systems to sustain these year-round gardens as well as providing power for neighborhoods.
These projects are focused on directly improving individual lives in a manner that they can see and hear. We are turning the idea and aspiration of greener living into reality.
Welcome to the Clean, Green, Scalable Future
Greenhouse Systems
Greenhouse systems with solar power, hydrogen, and fuel cells provide power and contribute to water needs.
Amazing gardens for produce, flowers, etc. can also be used for year-round parks and playgrounds.
Homes and Retail
Local domestic homes with solar installations donate some of their off-peak power to the community for generating more hydrogen.
Retail parks and businesses use rooftop solar to supply off-peak energy to the community power supply. Retail operations become completely powered with hydrogen while also providing hydrogen fuel and EV rapid charging.
Businesses and Government
Businesses, offices, and local government amenities switch to hydrogen fuel cell powered UPS backup power and peak load shedding.
Transport fleets up upgraded to hydrogen gas powered fuel cell vehicles.
Additional satellite electrolyzing centers are created and more hydrogen is produced and stored.
More locations offer fuel cell powered EV rapid charge stations.
A positive change in living for us now and for all future generations on this beautiful planet Earth
It is easy for every citizen to see how green, renewable power systems can fit into their daily lives. Whatever industry they work in, they can see that whether it’s eliminating the diesel backup systems or powering entire office communities without tapping into the utility grid, or helping IT firms meet their decarbonization goals, or powering a film shoot in the middle of the desert, this project can help the entire landscapes move to a renewable and independent energy future.
These solutions are scalable to fit into the smallest starting project with easy growth points to fill large cities, communities, and regions.
Here at Renewable Innovations, we are working every day to build hydrogen-based applications to move the dream of a carbon-free future to reality.
What’s Inside
Hydrogen fuel cell systems with hydrogen storage tanks in the back.
Empower inverters
Alvita backup batteries
Green reformers and electrolyzers
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