Top Three Things I Learned at the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Conference
#1 The Hydrogen Future is HERE
800+ people plus! This event was packed with motivated business execs and engineers, government leaders and policy makers, and other companies like Renewable Innovations who are investing and driving this industry forward.
#2 Government and Industry are COMMITTED
I’ve been a leader in this industry for a decade and have watched the acceleration across business, research, and consumers. It was great to see the shift over the years from curiosity to consideration and now to commercialization. We spoke to dozens of companies and public entities who are ready to weave hydrogen into their businesses and operations.
#3 Renewable Innovations has REAL SYSTEMS
The number one comment I got was “WOW! IT’S HERE AND IT’S WORKING!” Our Mobile Energy Command - Hydrogen (MEC-H) is a real live system that you can walk in, ask questions about, and visualize in action in any use case where energy is needed. Attendees were able to see how we’ve simplified what’s a very complex power integration challenge into a repeatable, scalable hydrogen-powered energy system. This particular one is mobile, but the same principles, processes, and technology apply at smaller and larger scales. It’s modular, scalable, and of course uses the cleanest and most abundant energy source out there.
Read more about our applications here.
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